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Feline allergic bronchitis (feline asthma) is an inflammatory disorder of lower airways from a hypersensitivity reaction resulting in bronchoconstriction and limited airflow.
Causes can include dust, dust mites, cigarette smoke, mildew, molds, plants, parasitic proteins, pollens, cat litter, perfumes, candles, household chemicals

Estimated prevalence as high as 1%. Siamese cats over-represented. Most cats are young/ middle aged (range 1-11 years, median 5.5. years) at time of diagnosis.

Can be intermittent or have a seasonal pattern. Acute respiratory distress may be present in severe cases – coughing, difficulty breathing, and an audible wheeze are the most common presenting complaints. Some owners confuse coughing with “hacking up a hairball”. Open mouth breathing is an emergency.

Generally based on history. Blood tests can be normal. X-rays may give an indication but some cats with asthma may have normal x-rays. In one study, X-ray indications were present in 93% but it was classified as mild or non-existent in 40%. Your vet will need to rule out heart disease, lung worm, infection and neoplasia via a range of tests.

Many cats can be successfully controlled with therapy and have a normal lifespan. Therapy is long term. Environmental modifications are essential

Cortisone is the mainstay of treatment – Oral prednisone is required initially to minimise airway inflammation. This is then tapered to lowest dose to control.
Bronchodilators (eg ventolin) are useful when bronchoconstriction increases severity and clinical signs are starting (eg wheezing). Inhaled steroids are not fully effective until 1-2 weeks after initiation of therapy so generally started at same time as oral.
Antibiotics are indicated if a secondary infection is diagnosed.
In a life threatening emergency, oxygen & injectable cortisone are needed.


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 Meowmy is a vet with 25yrs exp with special interest in Emergency/Critical Care.
Disclaimer: Dr Smudge advice contains general information only and is not a substitute for medical care.