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If someone had told me just twenty years ago to buy a coat for my dog, I probably would’ve just smiled politely hoping my thoughts about their outrageous remarks wouldn’t surface above my head in a speech bubble. And then I would’ve walked away, hoping to never meet such a strange person again. Right, like you didn’t think like that either! Let’s face it, twenty years ago most dogs would be given left-overs from the table rather than a balanced meal specifically created for their breed, weight and health status. Twenty years ago, most dogs would live outdoors or on balconies or in some basement, because that’s where dogs were kept. Twenty years we were fearing the new millennium, we started wondering about the Internet and we would watch TV shows on TV. 

Nowadays, smartphones have replaced cell-phones; drones help in search and rescue missions; and the Internet, well, the Internet is our go-to place for work, hobbies, travel, culture and of course shopping. 

So, I guess it is safe to say that the new millennium turned out quite well after all, with its ups and downs of course. And all these changes have been embraced by the majority of the population.

And yet, why is that when I walk downtown with my dog who’s wearing a stylish, luxury coat to keep her warm, do I still get those stares I gave twenty years ago? I was polite enough to keep my thoughts to myself but on numerous occasions I’ve heard people whisper (loudly) as I’d walk by “it’s a dog, not a person, why does she dress it up?” 

Well, dear Humans there are several reasons why we dress our dogs, and in our next blog we will be discussing just this! 

In the meantime, we’d love to hear from you! 


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