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Terms and Conditions


1. Premise

The website (hereinafter the “Site”) is owned by Zaira Giulianelli, with registered office in Via Torricelli 7, 60019 Senigallia (AN), IT
p. iva 02812990428

Through the Site, the Seller offers for sale the product and/or products offered on the Site (hereinafter the “Product” or “Products”).

These general conditions of sale (the “General Conditions”) govern the remote purchase of Products, through the Site, in compliance with Italian law.

The person who accesses the Site to make purchases (the “Customer”) is required, before proceeding with the purchases, to carefully read and accept these General Conditions, by accessing the relevant page of the Site where they are published.

Sales through the Site are exclusively reserved to the consumer Customer pursuant to art. 3 of the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206) and that is “the natural person who acts for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial, commercial, craft or professional activity carried out”.

The Customer, in order to be able to purchase through the Site, must be at least eighteen years of age.

2. Choose and order the Products

The main characteristics of the Products (e.g. variants, quantities, colours, etc.) together with any specific indications (such as, by way of example, composition and ingredients, dangerousness, allergens, etc.) as well as the price of the Products for sale on the Site are shown in the description sheet of each Product. The graphic representation of the Products corresponds to the photographic image accompanying the relative descriptive sheet. The image of the Products has the sole purpose of presenting them for sale and may not be representative of their characteristics and qualities, except for the representation of the label which is truthful and corresponds to the selected Product.

Each Customer may purchase the Products by registering on the Site (the “Registered Customer”), or may purchase them in “guest” mode without registering (the “Unregistered Customer”). In any case, the Customer must complete and send the order form (the “Order”) in electronic format, selecting the chosen payment method.

After sending the Order:

the Customer will receive an e-mail from the Seller containing the Order number, the list of Products covered by the Order with their essential characteristics and the total price, including any delivery costs and ancillary charges;

The Seller will verify the availability of the Products covered by the Order, the correctness of the information necessary for processing the Order entered by the Customer and: i) if the Products are available and the information correctly entered, he will proceed to process the Order; ii) if the Products are not available and/or the information necessary for processing the Order is incorrect, the Order will be cancelled; iii) where instead only some of the Products covered by the Order are not available, the Order will be processed only for the part of the Products available.

3. Prices and delivery costs

The prices of the Products are expressed in Euros and include VAT.

Delivery costs, where due, remain the responsibility of the Customer and will be indicated in detail before placing the Order (the “Shipping Costs”).

4. Methods of payment

4.1 Payment Methods

The Customer may pay the price of the Products and the relative Shipping Costs by credit or debit card, cash on delivery or PayPal.

Credit or Debit Card

The circuits on which it is possible to purchase on the Site are:



American Express


The Site does not store the customer’s credit or debit card number.


Once the Order has been placed, the Customer will be redirected to the PayPal site where he can make the payment through his own account or using a card, even a prepaid one, or in any case according to the methods accepted by PayPal and in compliance with the relative general conditions.

5. Legal guarantees for the Customer

The Customer has the right to make use of the legal guarantee provided for in articles 128 to 132 of the Consumer Code in the event of Product defects. Among other things, this guarantee provides that the Customer, under penalty of forfeiture, must report any lack of conformity of the Product to the Seller within 2 months of discovery (Article 132, Consumer Code). The complaint must be made in writing by e-mail to [email protected]. Following this complaint, the Customer will be contacted by the Seller’s customer service which will verify the validity of the request. Where the legal conditions exist, the Customer will have the right to request the repair or replacement of the defective Product, without prejudice to the other rights provided for by the law in his favor. By virtue of the above guarantee, the Seller is responsible for any lack of conformity that occurs within 2 years of delivery of the Product. Beyond this term, the Seller will therefore not be responsible for any lack of conformity found by the Customer. In case of replacement or repair of the Product, the terms of the guarantee relating to the replaced or repaired Product are the same as those of the original Product. Therefore, the total two-year duration of the legal guarantee will in any case start from the delivery of the original Product. In order to take advantage of the guarantee, the Customer must provide evidence of the date of purchase.

Products repaired, modified or in any way altered by the Consumer are excluded from the Legal Guarantee. Any failures or malfunctions or defects of any other type caused by accidental events or by the consumer’s responsibility or by use of the product that does not comply with its intended use and/or with the provisions of the technical documentation are also excluded from the scope of the Legal Guarantee. attached to the product, where existing, or in the instructions for use relating to the same.

6. Errors and Limitations of Liability

The information relating to the Products is constantly updated. However, it is not possible to guarantee the complete absence of errors for which the Seller cannot be held responsible, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence.

The Seller reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions even after an Order has been sent, or to modify or update information at any time without prior notice, without prejudice to the Customer’s rights under these General Conditions and of the applicable legislation.

Except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence, any right of the Customer to compensation for damages or the recognition of compensation is excluded, as well as any contractual or extra-contractual liability for direct or indirect damages to persons and/or things, caused by the non-acceptance or evasion , even partial, of an Order and from the sale of the Products.

Furthermore, the Seller declines all responsibility for direct or indirect damages of whatever nature or in whatever form they occur, consequent to the use of the Site and/or the news, photos and information contained therein.

7. Complaints

Any complaint must be forwarded to the Seller by writing to the e-mail address: [email protected].

8. Intellectual Property

9. Intellectual Property Rights

The Customer declares to be informed that all trademarks, names, as well as any distinctive sign, denomination, image, photograph, written or graphic text used on the Site or relating to the Products are and remain the exclusive property of Zaira Giulianelli and/or of its assignees, without the Customer deriving any right over the same from access to the Site and/or from the purchase of the Products.

The contents of the Site may not be reproduced, either wholly or partially, transferred by electronic or conventional means, modified, or used for any purpose without the prior written consent of Zaira Giulianelli.

10. Processing of personal data

The Customer’s data is processed by the Seller in compliance with the provisions of the legislation on the protection of personal data, as specified in the information provided in the appropriate section.