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Influencer Programme

    I hereby AUTHORISE the free use - without any limit of time - of pictures and videos also with audio, according to Articles 10 and 320 of the Civil Code, and Articles 96 and 97 Law 22.4.1941 n. 633 Copyright Law, to publish pictures/videos of your pet in any form on Social Media, on the website, on printouts or other means, as well as the safekeeping of the aforementioned photos and videos in the computer archive of Note that these photos/videos are solely for informative and promotional purpose.
    You can withdraw your authorisation at any time by sending an email in ENGLISH or ITALIAN to [email protected]

    Information for publishing data according to art. 13 of D. Lgs n. 196/2003:
    All (digital or printed) personal data, released will be dealt with according to current norms and laws, and in respect to privacy norms; all photos/videos will therefore only be used in connection to the aforementioned waiver.

    You can withdraw your authorisation at any time by sending an email in ENGLISH or ITALIAN to [email protected]

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