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Degenerative joint disease (DJD) / Osteoarthritis (OA) is a silent disease in kitties. It is cartilage degeneration with a secondary inflammation. Clinical signs are subtle and frequently thought of as “normal ageing”.

Studies suggest 17-91% cats have DJD. Radiography is useful to diagnose but do not always correlate with clinical signs.

More common in older cats (65% >12yo). Hips, elbow and stifles most affected joints.

Clinical signs: Unwilling to jump, reduced height of jump, stiff gait, resents cuddles, inappropriate toileting, altered grooming, sleeping


We recommend talk to your vet with blood tests performed before the start of any long term therapies.

😻Weight management – obesity worsens DJD. Discuss with vet as cats can get hepatic lipidosis if rapid weight loss. Prescription foods can be used and proven to have a positive effect to slow progression of disease.

😻 Exercise- provide movement for joint mobility but minimise joint wear (eg no jumping)

😻 Environment – food/water bowls should be easy to access, soft bedding, steps/ramps to reach favourite places.

😻 Chrondroprotectants- Adequan, Cartrophen/ glucosamine-chondroitin are meant to provide building blocks to rebuild cartilage/protect existing from damage. Best to be used earlier in disease

😻 Nutraceutical supplements- Green lipped muscle, omega 3 fatty acids, cannabinoids have mild anti-inflammatory properties. Takes weeks to build up for maximal efficacy. As with any supplements, they are only required to be safe and does not require proof of efficacy.

😻 Drugs- NSAIDS (eg Meloxicam) can be used in acute phase of inflammation. Be mindful about liver and kidney disease. Other drugs are opioids, Tramadol and Gabapentin. These can be used more safely in older kitties with underlying disease.

😻 Adjunctive- Acupuncture can be beneficial. Stem call therapy, platelet rich plasma are still being investigated for efficacy.

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🚨 Meowmy is a vet with 25yrs exp with special interest in Emergency/Critical Care.

Disclaimer: Dr Smudge advice contains general information only and is not a substitute for medical care.

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