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To dress or not to dress? 

So why do we dress our fur-babies? Is it to protect them from the cold or is it to make the so-called fashion statement?

Well, the long and short of it is both. With the latter of course, being my personal opinion, shared by many, this brings us to search for the answer to this question: do our pets suffer from the cold? 

To answer this question, we need to look at some furry aspects first and here’s my homework!


Undercoat or no undercoat?

Many dog breeds have an undercoat. This means that they have hair that grows close to their skin and its purpose is to keep dogs cool in summer and warm in winter. The topcoat on the other hand, is what gives each breed its distinguished look: Golden Retrievers have a silky, golden topcoat, Bernese mountain dogs a shiny, deep chocolate topcoat, Corgis, long-haired Chihuahuas, and many others have topcoats of different colours. Dogs such as the Afghan Hound, Poodles and Maltese don’t have an undercoat and are less likely to shed. Regardless of whether you have a double-coated or single coated dog, it is important to brush your pooch or kitty with the proper brush to help with shedding and keeping them clean.


How do I know if my dog or cat is cold?

Well, it is highly unlikely that a Saint Bernard, a Husky or a Norwegian Forest Cat may suffer the cold as, in fact, these pets and many such others, fare better in sub-zero temperatures and are most likely to suffer in warm or hot weather. 

I can’t say that it is safe to say that all other breeds prefer warmth as this would depend on factors such as your pet’s weight (a very thin or slightly underweight animal is likely to feel cold temperatures more than an overweight one);  how much fur they have (a sheared Poodle or Bichon as well as short haired pets might feel colder than those who haven’t been sheared or have longer fur); their age (a senior pet might be more sensitive to colder temperatures than younger ones);  and their health status (ailments such as arthritis might affect your pets body temperature). No one knows your fur-baby better than you, and if you are still in doubt, believe me, your fur-baby will somehow tell you!


What do I choose for my pet?

First and foremost, you need to see how your dog or cat reacts when you dress him or her. Once you’ve slipped on that adorable sweater or coat you’ve had your eye on, and you see that after the first couple of awkward steps, they are comfortable, then that’s it, they’re ready for the fashion world! But if they keep walking around in circles, or trying to hide, or have their tail between their legs – basically any sign that isn’t normal behaviour, well, there you have it. Your pet prefers the nude look! 

Generally speaking, most pets, dogs especially, easily get used to wearing clothes, and they do so with style! So, if your fur-baby may be uncomfy at first, give it some time.

In answer to the question in the sub-heading, I would stick to the seasons: in summer it is best to keep your pets nakey. As for the rest of the seasons, I tend to follow more or less what I’d wear: cotton T-shirts in spring and autumn, warmer sweaters and sweatshirts for winter, coats for really cold weather. 


So why fashion for fur-babies?

Why not? Ok, I know it’s wrong to answer a question with a question, so here’s a thought:

When Mr Neanderthal wanted to keep warm from the icy snow and hurling winds, he’d have to first go hunting in order to make himself something to protect his body from the severe weather conditions. That was his primary need so he couldn’t care less if his outfit didn’t match his footwear. And somewhere along the line between roundabout then and now, a sense of style, colours, and fabrics came into being (thank heavens) giving rise to what we nowadays call fashion. As mankind has evolved from clothing himself with animal skin for warmth to cottons, or cashmere or eco-sustainable fabrics to make a fashion statement, I personally believe that the world of our pets has evolved too as today every pet in our home is a family member we love and cherish, we take on holiday with and why not, go shopping for so they too can be as trendy as their pawrents because luxury clothes are also for our pets!

What do your pets like to wear? How do you like to dress up your pet?

Tell us as we’d love to hear from you!

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